A Deep Dive into Spectrum 2: Adobe’s Evolving Design System

I’m on a quest : discovering how incredible Design Systems leverage Web Components to bring quality and efficiency to all their Web projects! Today, we’ll be exploring Spectrum 2, a powerful and inspiring system created by the design giant, Adobe. Launched in 2013, Spectrum has undergone a remarkable evolution over the past decade. Backed by … Read more

Why Web Components Aren’t the Design System Silver Bullet (Just Yet)

Hey there, design systems enthusiasts! Let’s talk Web Components again. We’ve discussed why they’re great and how to build them, but it’s time to address the elephant in the room : “Why is their adoption so low if they’re so great?”. On the surface, they seem like a perfect fit for building reusable component libraries. … Read more

Exploring Web Components for Design Systems

Welcome back! In my previous article Choosing the Best Framework for Your Design System, we explored the benefits of web components for design systems, particularly their framework-agnostic nature. This allows a single library to power projects built with various frameworks (or no framework at all!). Today, let’s dive deeper and understand the technical aspects of … Read more

Choosing the Best Framework for Your Design System

Selecting a framework for your design system is a crucial decision. This choice will significantly impact the system’s usability and maintainability as your component library grows and adoption increases. While often overlooked, careful consideration upfront can save time and resources in the long run. Understanding Your Users As a product designed for internal teams and … Read more