Antifragile for composable systems: outdated solutions for modern problems

The traditional software testing philosophy emphasizes meticulous planning, building a robust test suite before coding begins. This approach resembles a sturdy fortress, offering protection from unforeseen threats. However, as design systems (DS) morph into intricate, interconnected networks, this rigid methodology reveals its limitations. The Challenge of Complexity Imagine a DS as a living ecosystem. Its … Read more

A Deep Dive into Spectrum 2: Adobe’s Evolving Design System

I’m on a quest : discovering how incredible Design Systems leverage Web Components to bring quality and efficiency to all their Web projects! Today, we’ll be exploring Spectrum 2, a powerful and inspiring system created by the design giant, Adobe. Launched in 2013, Spectrum has undergone a remarkable evolution over the past decade. Backed by … Read more

Doubling Accessibility Conformance With Just 1 File

Ever feel like accessibility is a constant battle in your dev team? You preach the importance, you evangelize, you showcase bug fixes in weekly meetings, but integrating it into the daily workflow can feel overwhelming. Well, fret no more, fellow accessibility champion! Here’s a story about a super easy solution that transformed our team’s approach … Read more

Should elements’ states match contrast ratios requirements in WCAG ?

In the realm of web accessibility, color contrast is not just about aesthetics; it is a fundamental requirement. This article focuses on the technical aspects of color contrast, particularly for interactive elements in different states like hover and focus. Finally we will explore whether these states need to meet specific contrast criteria to ensure WCAG … Read more

Angular Router and Bypass Blocks : a surprising accessibility challenge

Here’s the tale of how fixing what was supposed to be an easy-to-fix accessibility issue turned out to be a challenge thanks to Angular and how I overcame it… Sort of! What are bypass blocks? If you’ve looked into web accessibility before there’s a good chance you’ve heard about bypass blocks before, maybe called skip … Read more